Welcome to Room 6. This Term has been an unusual one, where not all of us have been able to come to school every day, as we would have like to. It has taught us how much we enjoy being able to participate in and contribute to our learning when we are at school with our classmates.
Class Treaty
At the beginning of the term we read 'The Tree Hut Treaty' by Wiremu Grace, which helped us develop our own thoughts on what we wanted our classroom to look, feel and sound like this year. It encouraged us to think about what being a good classmate entails and this fitted in with our Mitey learning about 'Mana' as well.
We created our own Tree Hut on the wall at the back of the classroom by painting and adding animals, insects and beautiful flowers to it.
This is our Class Tree Hut with all of us inside it and some of our 'mana' words on the ladder leading up into the hut. We have our Class Treaty up too, which we have all signed:
We have also been lucky enought this term to have had cricket skills with Coach Nick from Cricket Auckland. We have learned and practised small ball skills, like throwing, catching, underarm, overarm throws, aiming at the wickets and playing non stop cricket. It has been so much fun and we learned so much:
We set our year's learning goals and placed them in a time capsule, which we hid in a secret place till the end of the year. We hope to work towards achieving these goals over the next three terms.
Profile Self Portraits
Later in the term we created self portraits using an overhead projector. We looked at light refraction and used our profiles to project these onto the white board. Then our partners traced around the image on black paper. These were cut out and stuck onto a white background. We reminded ourselves that we are all unique and special and created in the image and likeness of God. We love our portraits:
Designing and Creating our own model Tree Huts
Finally, we finished the term with the design and creation of our own model Tree Huts. We drew a plan on squared paper and then brought recycled materials from home. In the last week of term we spent everyday creating our tree huts and it was fun. We had some success criteria to follow, so we kept on having to refer to these.
Success Criteria were: the huts had to be less than 50cm tall, they had to be water and wind resistant and they had to be able to take the weight of 4 pairs of scissors.
On the last day of term we painted and then had to test our huts against the criteria and most of our tree huts were successful. We all said this was our best week at school!!!
Here are some photos:
Happy Easter everybody!